Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Designing With a Theme

In my sculpture class - students were asked to create a design for a paper shoe.  Their design had to be centered on a clear theme - one that they had a connection with (as they were to write a one-page artist statement about their design and personal connection to their work) This was a midterm assignment, and we only spent a couple days on it in class - students were mostly expected to work on this assignment at home.

The kids were really creative with their themes and use of three-dimentional space to create a cohesive design

This shoe has an aquatic theme - relating to the artists desire to join the Navy - and her love for all things water

This shoe was a testament to Fractals, something that this student is quite obsessed with. He spend a lot of time trying to draw each 'split' in the fractal correctly. 

This student loves all things Baltimore - but he didn't want to be 'obvious' by doing a Ravens or Orioles shoe (as others in class were doing), so he opted to base his off of the Natty Boh guy and the Utz girl. 

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